privacy policy

justburnus has a privacy policy
The privacy of those who visit justburnus is important. Some information is collected in the process of browsing or interacting with this site. Below is a bit of information about what is collected and how that collected information is used, and why.
What this website collects:
IP address, browser user-agent, referrer header, other HTTP headers are collected. If javascript is enabled in the browsing client software this site utilizes Google Analytics to collect various forms of usage data, see this site for more information and visit this page to opt-out of this collection. This information is collected in an effort to provide the best experience possible. Information is used solely to gauge user interest and to better understand the usage patterns of people using the site. None of this information is shared with any third party.
Other third parties with access to information
This site utilizes facebook, twitter, reddit, pinterest, and google+ to give users of social media sites a richer experience and to share our work with a broader audience, visit the following links for the privacy policy of the sites involved: facebook, twitter, reddit, pinterest, google+.
Users who submit comments and email addresses
Comments submitted are hosted and facilitated by google+, see above for a link to their privacy policy. Comments are used for no other purpose than to facilitate discussion about the various posts and stories on the website. No email addresses or websites submitted by users using the comment feature are shared with or sold to any third party. If you submit your email address to sign up to our newsletter/email updates your information is kept private and the transaction is done via Mailchimp, you can see their privacy information here.
If you use the facebook / twitter / google+ / pinterest / reddit / feedburner / feedly links
Your activity in relation to the sharing and external social media sites will be covered under their own privacy policies, any information that becomes available to will only be used to make the site better via understanding its audience and shared with no third party.
This policy might change
It may be needed, depending on what services are provided, to change this policy. Check this page to see the latest policy. This policy page is a best effort attempt to list all of the information collected via this site and to point visitors to any third party that might be pertinent. Latest update: July 14 2014.